As you read this, put your name in the story, make it your own! Let God speak to YOU!
Here's what Father wants to tell you. Here's the scene, a beautiful garden, the cool of the evening, you crouching behind some bushes, you can hear someone coming, you’re afraid. Suddenly a voice breaks the silence, “BEN! where are you?” It's your Father, He wants to talk to you to spend time with you, He loves you!
Do you love Him back? Truly love Him? Here's the thing, perfect love casts out all fear! You don't have to be afraid any more! I know there is shame, and fear, and probably self hatred if you get really deep in there. But that's not you, that's the false self. Father has a new name for you! Just ask Him. It is that simple. Start asking questions: Father, what's my true name? Father, show me how you love me. Father, what do you think of me as a man? Father, give me Your heart towards my wife. Father, give revelation of who you really are.
There isn't going to be change or freedom without revelation. Knowledge won't change your heart, it just fills your head. Ask for revelation. Fall in Love with Jesus. You have glimpsed the Pearl of great price, now go and sell everything, do whatever it takes to get the treasure. It's worth it! If you want to walk in freedom, if you want to break addiction, fall in love with Jesus! Love Him more than you love yourself. Love Him more than you love porn. Love Him more than you love your “safe house” of fear. Love Him more then you love your bank account.
Go through the narrow gate. Going to church and acknowledging that Jesus is Lord isn't enough. There are millions of people in this country alone that do that. That seems like a pretty wide gate to me.
Love Jesus, sit with Father, be filled with the Spirit.
Be free!